Works for Me

Reviews of my favorite systems, methods, and products

Do you enjoy sitting down with a friend who’s in the same boat with you and hearing what she’s doing to solve XYZ problem in her life? Maybe it’s just a small habit change or an inexpensive product, but you know right away that it will make a big difference in solving your own similar problem. Well, that’s what this “Works for Me” category of posts is for—sharing some of the small things I’ve found that make this sometimes stressful mom life run a little more smoothly.

Onion ginger and garlic

Onion, Ginger, and Garlic – Lessons Learned

What they are not known for is being easy to prepare. Many days I would spend at least 10-15 minutes first laboriously chopping the ends off garlic cloves and smashing them to loosen the skin for my kids to help me peel before slicing or mincing, then peeling and chopping a section of ginger, and then crying while peeling and chopping an onion. Now I can get just as good results in about 5 minutes, without the tears. My secret?

Onion, Ginger, and Garlic – Lessons Learned Read More »